Tuesday, May 8, 2007

They're Trying So Hard to Ruin Our State.

Written 5/3/07

Our State seems to be under constant attack by the Democrats controlling our legislature. They tried last year to sexually indoctrinate children as young as 6 years old and legalize gay marriage. They tried and they failed. Arnold vetoed the bills when they were presented to him, so why, less then a year later, are they rewriting the same bills, and tying to get them passed again.

Our legislatures are tying to undermine traditional parental influence and create little liberal, homosexual loving, un-disciplined children. There are 3 bills SB 777, AB 394, and AB 675, all of which are identical to last years, that want to rewrite text books to include historical figure's sexual orientation, alter school functions to make them more "gay" friendly and teach children that there is no such thing as a "natural" family consisting of a mother and father. Why are they doing this? I really don't understand why they insist on continuing to attack our children with these disgusting ideas. There is no reason for children of any age to know the sexual orientation of historical figures. Sexual beliefs are largly a religious thing for many families and by creating these bills our legislatures are tying teach kids that thier parents are wrong.

Not only do our legislatures want to sexually indoctrinate our children, they want to teach them that parents are not allowed to discipline them. Another bill aimed at ruining the traditional family is AB 755, which would turn parents who spank their children into criminals. Can you believe it! Our Legislatures want to tell us how to raise our children now! Kids need to be disciplined, they need to learn at a young age to respect authority. The author of this bill (who doesn't even have kids) is pushing it as a child abuse protection law, um, hello… we have some of the most extensive child protection laws in the country. This is not to protect children, this bill is designed to undermine parent's authority over their children.

Then there's AB 43 and SB 11. The gay marriage bills. Didn't we vote on this 7 years ago! Doesn't our constitution say that the legislature cannot override the people's vote? I'm all for gay civil unions, sure why not… but it is not the government's job to redefine the definition of marriage. I thought that when the state clearly said that gay marriage is not to be recognized in this state that it would be the end of it… but nope. Our legislatures, who are supposed to represent us, are trying to over turn our vote! WTF!

Want to tell your legislature how you feel about them…. Check out www.SaveCalifornia.com. there's more about these bills there and ways to contact your legislatures.

Thanks guys!

Heather Barbee

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