Tuesday, May 8, 2007

AB 755 Ciminalizes loving parents who discipline thier children.

Originally posted on 4/23/07.

For Immediate Release
April 17, 2007

Bill Targeting Parents Who Spank With A Switch Passes Committee

AB 755 biases authorities against good parents who use traditional discipline methods

Thomasson: "AB 755 biases police officers, social workers, district attorneys, and juries to regard traditional methods of child discipline as hateful, harmful abuse. This irresponsible committee has passed a very irresponsible bill."

Sacramento, California – The controversial California spanking bill passed its first legislative hurdle Tuesday on a party-line vote, Democrats for, Republicans against. Despite a flood of opposition phone calls and emails from California parents, AB 755 continues to assume that good mothers and good fathers who discipline their own children with "a stick, a rod, a switch" are committing criminal child abuse.

Testifying against AB 755 in the Assembly Public Safety Committee on Tuesday was respected constitutional attorney David Llewellyn of Sacramento and Campaign for Children and Families President Randy Thomasson, among others. The ACLU and the California Public Defenders Association also expressed their concerns in their testimony.

Speaking against and voting "no" on AB 755 were Republicans Greg Aghazarian of Stockton and Joel Anderson of El Cajon. Voting "yes" on AB 755 were Democrats Jose Solorio of Santa Ana, Hector De La Torre of Southgate, Fiona Ma of San Francisco and Mark Leno of San Francisco. Democrat Anthony Portantino of La Canada-Flintridge was not present at the time of the vote.

"AB 755 biases police officers, social workers, district attorneys and juries to regard traditional methods of child discipline as hateful, harmful abuse," said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families, a leading California-based pro-family organization. "This irresponsible committee has passed a very irresponsible bill. Since juries already have broad authority to convict and sentence child abusers, AB 755 is unnecessary. The real purpose of the bill is to transform good parents who use traditional methods of discipline into suspected child abusers in the eyes of the law."

As amended in committee, AB 755 targets parents who spank with a switch, a paddle, a stick, or a bedroom slipper in three ways:

1. Specific inclusion of examples of legitimate spanking methods mixed with clear examples of child abuse will bias authorities against loving parents. Because AB 755 would make specific changes to the Penal Code, all mandatory reporters, including police officers, social workers, counselors and clergy will be trained to regard parents who spank with an implement as potential child abusers.

2. The inclusion of a "nonviolent parental education class" reveals that AB 755 continues to target loving parents who spank with a switch, a paddle, a stick, or other traditional child-rearing methods. Existing law already allows judges to order convicted child abusers into "a child abuser's treatment counseling program." There is no reason for a "nonviolent parental education class" if AB 755 doesn't expand the definition of child abuse to include certain types of spanking. Obviously, the "nonviolent parental education class" was created for nonviolent parents who use an implement to spank, but cannot legally be ordered into existing counseling for child abusers, which is indeed violent.

3. If the original purpose of AB 755 was to define spanking with a paddle, stick or switch as "unjustifiable," what is the purpose of the amended bill? If AB 755 no longer absolutely requires authorities to regard spanking with an implement as "unjustifiable," what is its purpose but to redundantly tells juries what they can already do: convict bad parents who cause a child great bodily harm, suffering, or unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering by any means. Obviously, AB 755 is doing something new, and that's making good parents who use an implement to correct their children's behavior suspect in the eyes of the law.

"Parents and grandparents are calling upon Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to veto AB 755 if it reaches his desk," Thomasson said. "Because this bill biases authorities against parents who spank, AB 755 continues to view good parents who lovingly correct their children as suspected child abusers."

-- end --

As Californian's we need to protect a parent's right to discipline thier own children without having to fear the government. We already have extensive laws to protect children from child abuse, all this bill does is criminalize good loving parents for teaching thier children discipline and respect. It is not the government's job to patrol the way parent's raise thier children. Please help make sure this disgusting bill does not become law, email Arnold and your local Senators and Assemblymembers and let them know that this bill, which turns local law enforcement against loving parents, needs to be voted agianst and vetoed if passed.

Here is the website where you can get the info you need to find out who your Senators and Assemblymembers are and email them.


Thanks guys for taking the time to read this,

Heather Barbee

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