Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A few quick stories to satisfy the hunger.

A few news stories have caught my attention today...

First off we have SB 105. This bill allows homosexual partners to file state taxes as domestic partners. Our senator's passed this bill yesterday with an overwhelming majority with all 24 democrats and 13 of the 15 republicans voting in favor for the bill. The only website reporting on this passage is SaveCalifornia.com. They are a Christian based organization and are adamantly opposed to this bill, or any bill that grants homosexual couples any kind of rights. I'm actually ok with the passage of this bill, it doesn't change the marriage laws, it only adds "domestic partners" to the list of who can file jointly.

For the full text of the bill read here

For the report from SaveCalifornia.com read here

The next piece of news that caught my attention is about the war-funding bill. Democrats are finally getting the point that the President will not pass a bill that requires a timetable. They are also realizing that they have a responsibility to fund the troops so they can properly fight this war. There is much speculation that the next bill, which should be voted on today, will not include a time table and will properly fund the troops. For more about the war funding bill read here.

The next piece of news is about the immigration bill. The debate on the bill has been postponed, most likely so the senators can have a chance to read the 1,000 page bill. At first this bill appeared to have the support of both the republicans and the democrats in Washington, now it appears the opposition is coming from both directions as well. Neither the democrats nor the republicans are overwhelmingly happy with this bill becuase it forces both sides to compromise. I think a bill that makes both sides a little uneasy is better than a bill that makes both sides happy. I don't want the democrats to have everything they want in this bill and likewise many people do not want the republicans to have everything they want. We'll see if this bill passes next month and unless they tighten boarder security, immigration reform will be a waste of money. For more information about this story read here.

Hope you are all having a great week!

P.s. Hero's was great last night and I'm really looking forward to the American Idol finale tonight!!! I like both Blake and Jordin so picking who's going to win is really hard for me! Either way they're both great!

Heather Barbee

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