Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Another so called "Day without an immigrant"

Written 4/30/07

One year ago tomorrow, Immigrants from the southland gathered in downtown LA to protest the immigration laws. They were calling for legislatures to reform the current immigration laws to allot illegal immigrants more rights. Tomorrow illegal immigrants will once again be taking to the streets to show their opposition to our immigration laws only this time they are not calling for reform, they are calling for amnesty. They want to be able to stay here in America, no questions asked.

Does anyone else find it strange that a group of criminals, which is exactly what they are, are going to gather in the streets of LA demanding that they be completely forgiven of their crimes. They don't want to pay the price for breaking our laws; they just want to reap all the benefits of living in America.

Right now illegal immigrants are one of the worst tax burdens in the United States. Taxpayers are paying billions for illegals to be able to send their children to school, millions so they can over crowd our emergency rooms without having to pay a dime, and millions to keep the worst of them in federal prisons. LA County spends over $2 billion a year providing education to children of illegal immigrants. Hospitals are losing and average of $170 million a year for uncompensated health care to illegal immigrants. 19 percent of all inmates in our Federal prisons are not citizens. In Los Angeles County alone there are over 10 million illegal immigrants costing legal residents billions of dollars a year. Pro-immigration activists often argue that illegal immigrants contribute to society but the truth is they take billions more than they give.

MayDay2007.org is calling May 1st "A national day of multi-ethnic unity with youth, labor, peace and justice communities in solidarity with immigrant workers and building new immigrant rights & civil rights movement." They want millions of illegal immigrants to take to the streets tomorrow to support the following "10 points of Unity;"

1) No to anti-immigrant legislation, and the criminalization of the immigrant communities.

2) No to militarization of the border.

3) No to the immigrant detention and deportation.

4) No to the guest worker program.

5) No to employer sanction and "no match" letters.

6) Yes to a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

7) Yes to speedy family reunification.

8) Yes to civil rights and humane immigration law.

9) Yes to labor rights and living wages for all workers.

10) Yes to the education and LGBT immigrant legislation.

It's crazy what these people think they are entitled to. They seem to think that just because they are here they deserve to become citizens, take our jobs, go to our schools, flood our hospitals and not pay for any of it. If they want to become citizens they can start by following our laws and doing it the right way. Then they wouldn't have to worry about border patrol, deportation, labor rights, wages, or anything else on their 10 step list. Follow our laws and we will welcome you into our country, break our laws to get here and you better expect to be treated like a criminal.

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