Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Catholic Church is Making Me Mad...Again.

Today, 5/9/07, many churches, including the Catholic Church, have decided to defy the law and declared they will provide sanctuary to any illegal immigrant facing deportation. They are doing this because they feel is is the morally right thing to do yet it is in defiance of what the bible teaches. The bible teaches to obey the laws of the land, to not covet what is not yours and to not steal. Illegal immigrants break our laws to get into this country, then they steal jobs and tax dollars from legal American citizens through government programs and services, and the church is telling them that this is ok. Since when did it become ok to steal from a country and purposely break the law of the land for your own personal gain?

Here’s the story from pro-amnesty NyTimes

And heres an opposing biblical view.

I agree that something needs to be done about the immigration situation but amnesty for all is not the answer. We need to find a way to create a path to citizenship for those willing to take the time to do it, and those who won’t take the time to become citizens should be deported. That’s just my opinion. Something also needs to be done about the churches that are harboring illegal immigrants who have been ordered out of this country. If a church is found to be breaking the law then their tax exemption should be revoked and they should have to face penalty from the law.

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