Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Student immigration rallies.

I wrote this on 3/30/07.

It makes me mad every time I see a rally of Mexicans waving Mexican flags and demanding we give them things (citizenship, amnesty, driver licenses, national holidays ect..). This is America. The only flag that should be waved is the American Flag. If people love Mexico so much and want to wave the Mexican flag then they are not Americans and need to go back to the country they love so much.

If someone asks me where I'm from I don't say Ireland or Germany, I say America. Sure, my ancestors are from Ireland and Germany but I am 100% American. My loyalty lies only with America. I respect this country, as should everyone who lives here. If you want to live in America become American. If the country you lived in before was so bad that you had to leave and come to America, why would you continue to be loyal to such a terrible country.

I respect those people who come to America to make a better life for themselves and their family as long as they do so in a legal way. I cannot respect people who break out laws to get here and show complete disrespect to our country, our laws and our way of life.
Most of the kids participating in the march today do not understand the concept of being loyal to your country because their parents have taught them that Mexico is home, even though many of them have never even been there. They do not respect this country and that is a shame. They need to be taught that America is home, not Mexico and if you want Mexico to be "home" then move there, as easy as that.

The Mexican people who have moved here LEGALLY understand the concept of loyalty to your country. They are happy to be citizens because it was something they had to work for; therefore it is something they have pride in. They are true Americans because they work for what they want.

Mexicans that are coming over here ILLEGALLY do not want to work for anything; they want it handed to them. They want citizenship handed to them just because they are here. They want welfare benefits, free health care, free education, free everything. They are free loaders who do not deserve to be in this country. If it is so important that they live here then it should be worth the effort to become a citizen. By coming here Illegally they are declaring that becoming a citizen is not worth the effort. That is a flat out spit in the face to the American people, especially those who were not born here and had to work for their citizenship, you better believe they feel it is worth the effort and it'll be the American flag they're waving.

I don't mind you celebrating your heritage. Heritage is a very important part of a person and should be treated with respect but you can be loyal to America and still celebrate your heritage. That is not to say you can celebrate Mexico because if its Mexico you want to celebrate then you should move there so you can celebrate that great country all day long. Take the Mexican flags to Mexico where they belong. This is America.

Yes this country was founded by immigrants but they came here legally and became law abiding working citizens. They did not come here and wave the flag of England, Germany, Ireland, and or any other country...NO they waved the flag of America and they became loyal to THIS country and THIS country only.

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