Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reverse Economics

Reverse Economics

Our State legislators, congressmen, and the President all seem to be adopting this new economic theory, Reverse Economics. This is how it works, do the opposite of what makes sense and hope it suddenly fixes the economy and makes everyone happy.
Let’s take a close look at how this is working so far….

Housing Market
Problem – Banks wrote to many loans to people who couldn’t afford it and ended up losing money when homeowners forclosed.
Reverse economics solution – give the banks more money and make them write more loans
Why this doesn’t make sense – writing to many loans is what got them in this position in the first place. If they are forced to write more loans they just get caught up in the same cycle. Banks need to be able to turn down people who they feel won’t pay them back. I certainly wouldn’t loan money to someone I knew never pays anyone back so why should the government force banks to do so.

Stock Market
Problem – companies losing money and risk going bankrupt
Reverse economics solution – give billions of dollars to companies that weren’t smart with their money to begin with and hope that suddenly making them rich again will teach them to be responsible.
Why doesn’t this work—keeping a sinking company afloat only prolongs the inevitable. If theres no demand for the product a company is selling, keeping it open just means they are making product that will never sell and they’ll go out of business anyway. Our economy works when failing companies are allowed to fail—it’s called competition and it’s good for the consumer.

Job Market
Problem – People are loosing their jobs!
Reverse economics solution – raise taxes to increase revenue and then put the money back into the economy to booster everyone’s life.
Hello, this doesn’t work either here’s why – the economy counts on the people who are spending money. People’s job count on people spending money. Higher taxes take money out of the pockets of shoppers therefore creating less demand for product and leading then to the inevitable layoffs – which then becomes one big marry-go-round (the person who was laid off is now shopping less, affecting more people along the line, the more people laid off, the more people are going to be laid off).

Economy is a cycle – long periods of inflation always lead to deflation and downturn. We can only go so high. The slump hurts right now but once things start to re-bound we’ll be better off because of it. Downturns keep prices low and keeps companies in check. As soon as the governments stops trying to fix the economy things will start to turn around. The government is only making things worse by postponing the inevitable.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Buy low, Sell High

You don’t have to be a financial advisor or a wall street vet to know that buying low and selling high is the answer to making money, it’s common sense. Right now the market is very low when compared to the last couple years so if you have the money now is the time to invest. Prices may continue to drop a bit but now is the best time to buy stock; buy low and sell high.

A lot of people are in a panic right now and think our whole economy is going to fall apart. Calm down people. Think about the last couple of years and the trend we saw in the stock market. Think about how quickly the Dow rose and how high inflation went. Stock can only increase so much before it's not worth the price anymore and that is what has happened. Things were going too good and now it has to level out. The Dow is now at the same level is was in 2003. What were you doing in 2003? We're you in economic peril? Likely not.

The media dwells on crisis, it’s like their tonic. Save yourself a lot of grief and tune them out. Watch the history channel instead, they don’t spend their time predicting what the market is going to do…it’s history they already know. The more the media dwells on the faltering economy the less people want to spend…the less people spend the less money companies are making, the less companies are making, the more people they lay off and the more people that get laid off the less people there are spending money… it’s a viscous cycle.

There’s another trend in the stock market that is important to keep in mind right now. This election is a big deal, we don’t have the choice of electing an incumbent therefore we are entering into the unknown (sounds epic… well it is really). The unknown makes people afraid and that fear is always reflected in the stock market. Once the election is over (regardless of who wins) things will settle down a bit (whoever wins the election will claim they are the reason the stock market recovered of course).

So my official advise to everyone right now… take a chill pill and buy stock if you can…

Monday, September 8, 2008

Obama, America's anti-Christ.

What more do we need as proof that Barrack Hussein Obama is Anti-American. Here’s just a short glimpse at the overwhelming evidence against him.

Obama will not say the pledge of allegiance and will not place his hand over his heart.
He will not wear an American flag on his lapel because he does not believe it shows patriotism.
He removed the American flag from his private jet and replaced it with his own name.
He is a member of a church that claims America got what it deserved on 9/11 and believes we should sing “God Damn America” instead of “God Bless America”
His mentor, Frank Marshal Davis, is a self described communist.
Obama’s good friend William Ayers attempted to blow up the Pentagon and New York police headquarters. He later said he never regretted the attempts and believes he didn’t do enough.
Obama will not acknowledge that we face Muslim Terrorists.
Obama has strong connections with radical Palestinians and feels we need to negotiate with Terrorist countries without threat of restrictions, embargos, or war.
His mother denied being American while in Indonesia.
Plans to dramatically downsize the military, pull out of Iraq and invade Pakistan.

What is Obama’s true goal in becoming president? It is seeming more and more likely he wants to weaken and harm this country. Lets not write off the fact that Obama’s father was a Muslim and Obama attended a muslin school. There is a doctrine in Islam, al-Taqiyya, that permits the faithful to conceal their true faith if it will help them reach their goals. Imagine what Bin-Laden would do if he could have concealed his identity and faith in an attempt to run for public office. Imagine the damage he could have done from the inside. What makes us so arrogant as to think that this could not happen. It seems to me that Obama is evidence that it is happening. Why would someone with such strong anti-American connections want to be the president unless it is to destroy and weaken the country. Why does he so desperately want to weaken this country. I hate to use the 9/11 card but has he forgotten, or does he has an ulterior motive. We need to be careful who we allow to become president. On one ticket we have a man who loves his country enough to surrender his life in service and on the other we have a man who’s own wife says she’s never been proud to be an American and who allies himself with a church that openly hates America.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Obama Tells American Kids to Learn Spanish

Posted by Bobby Eberle
July 10, 2008 at 6:17 am

I hope the American public is watching. For months, Barack Obama was a blank slate. The only thing people knew about him was that he gave a good speech and that he wanted "change." This apparently was enough to garner him the Democratic presidential nomination. (That should be a clue to most Americans NOT to vote for him.) But now, with no help from the media, the real Barack Obama is starting to appear.

The media won't write stories about what he says, but they don't need to. With today's technology, we can see for ourselves, and this latest incident is a doozy! Our education system is crazy enough with all these liberal, feel-good programs. Forget adding, subtracting, spelling, and grammar. Now, despite the fact that the rest of the world is learning English, he says that American kids should learn Spanish? What? Learn Spanish? Yes, and it shows just how out of touch and far left Obama is. We need a president who will put America first, not push for our culture to be forgotten.

What an absolutely ridiculous speech. We need to make sure our kids can speak Spanish? Why? That is the question. Oh, and I have the answer. It's because the liberals are quite happy seeing millions of illegal aliens pour across our border and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it. Rather than solve the problem of illegal immigration by enforcing laws and securing our border (after all, if we did that, liberals would call us racists), the far left would rather Americans simply learn Spanish. That is their solution to the problem.

And it is definitely becoming more and more of a problem. Example... during these very nice summer months, my kids love to go swimming with me at our neighborhood pool. We go in the late morning and spend an hour or two there. Afterward, we come home for lunch. On some days, we go out, and they love it when we get sandwiches at Subway. Getting the sandwiches, however, has become more and more of an ordeal. In fact, the last time we went, it took forever simply because I couldn't understand the attendant, and the attendant couldn't understand me.

I'll have a six-inch ham sandwich on wheat with lettuce and tomato... All I got was a blank stare. I repeated the order, with my daughter looking on. The lady finally grabbed the wheat bread and then selected turkey. No... I said ham.

Now, this being a Subway restaurant in AMERICA, one would think that I could place my order in English. Wrong. This must be a Barack Obama Subway restaurant, and the only way to place an order is to do it in Spanish. Hmmm... I guess I should thank Obama for his speech. What he was trying to get across was the idea that we should teach our kids Spanish just so we can order a sandwich at an American restaurant. Thanks Obama for looking out for me!

Sarcasm aside, Barack Obama continues to show that he is not ready for the presidency, and more importantly, America is not ready for him. Our kids should not be told to learn Spanish. Our kids should be told to learn English and math and science, so they can become contributing American citizens. Obama's example in his speech is that Americans sound silly when they go to France because they can only say a simple phrase. What's his point? Is he saying that we should all learn French for that day that we spend thousands of dollars to travel to France?

English has become the language of international business, commerce, science, and technology. Other nations learn English, because English is the "universal" language in which things get done. Only in America (an English-speaking country) would left-wing Barack Obama tell Americans that their kids should learn Spanish.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Boxer's Big Idea

My Friends, I know we are all feeling frustrated and upset about the gas prices we are seeing at the pump. As American's we expect that our political leaders will have our best intrests at heart but that is not the case with Senator Boxer. Today congress voted on a piece of legislation that would have increased the tax on gas by over $1.00 a gallon. At a time when most of us are having trouble being able to afford gas it is insane to me that our state senator would want us to pay even more. The piece of legislation was not passed and Boxer had harsh words for the members in congress that voted against it. She claims that this new tax force the big oil companies to invest in alternative fuel sources, which she apparently believes would suddenly make gas prices come down.

I think it's pretty safe to say that we all want to see alternative fuel sources developed and implemented into our society. We need to find reasonable renewable energy sources to replace oil in our economy. The problem is this will not happen over night. While we do need to find alternative energy we can not leave everyone high and dry until then. Boxer believes that if people are forced to pay more for gas fewer people will use gas and there fore prices will come down. This is backwards thinkning. Where are her true intrests?

The real solution is drilling. While many people do not want to see oil rigs popping up everywhere understand this, China drills oil off the coast of California, but we are not allowed to. China is sucking up our oil while we watch from the shoreline. In Alaska we are told we can not drill because we may impose on the Caribu's habitat. Boxer would have you believe that there is only enough oil in Alaska to last 6 months (she actually said that today) but the truth is there is enough oil to last over 100 years (do the research, you'll be suprised).

There are risks involved in drilling for oil but the benifits far out weigh the risk. Let's think about what things democrats in congress want. They want to get out of Iraq, and they want to stop beign dependant on foreign oil. If we drill for our own oil we would no longer be dependant on foreign oil. Boxer, and many other democrats in congress, believes that we are in Iraq to protect our oil intrests, therefore if this truely is a war fought over oil we could drill here and bring our men and women home like they've wanted all along. So, by drilling here in our own country we could drop foreign oil and end the war in Iraq, who wouldn't want that.

Boxer needs to stop pretending she's keeping with our best intrests. Her ideas are backwards and she's working against the good of our economy. If gas prices continue to rise so will the cost of everything else. If we dont' get a break soon our economy is going to collapse. Ms. Boxer has the right idea with alternative fuel sources for our future but she doesn't get that we need relief right now. Let her know that we need relief now, not new taxes. Check our her web site, there you'll find a link to send her an email (do it daily even!).


Monday, May 12, 2008

A nation of sheep.

It amazes me the things people allow themselves to believe. One of the girls I work with is very disillusioned about what power the president actually has. We were talking about food prices and how high costs are then she actually made a comment that implied the president is to blame for high food prices. I laughed because it’s ridiculous to actually think that. She then said that she KNOWS the president is to blame for the high gas prices. She knows! It’s crazy to think that people I otherwise would think are smart would actually think the president sets gas prices. This isn’t China afterall, we live in a free market where companies can set their own prices with out government interference, hence “Free Market.” Many people believe the president has more power than he actually does, they must not understand a little system called “Checks and Balances.” Whether we have a republican or a democrat president the true law makers are those in congress.

Everyone tries to blame the president for anything that goes wrong but that is just pure ignorance. I wish I could make people smart. I wish I could wake people up to their own stupidity. I’m surrounded by sheep who will believe anything the media tells them. Pathetic.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Where does oil come from?

Have you ever wondered where oil comes from? Most people have heard and accepted the theory that oil was created from fossilized plant and animal matter and that soon it will run out but did you know that many scientists don’t believe that to be the case. No scientist knows for sure how oil is made, where it comes from, or how much of it there is. Many politicians though seem to know for sure that it is going to run out in the next 8-9 years. How do they know this, do they have research they are not sharing with the rest of the world?

Although most of us know better, politicians should be people we can trust to keep our best interests their priority. We should trust that information they bring to us would be factual with evidence to back it up yet that rarely happens. Instead of bringing us the evidence to support their claims, politicians shove their fear creating stories down our throats until we believe them. If you hear something enough from people you should be able to trust you may start to forgive the fact that there are no facts and start to accept that their claim is the truth. Most issues that politicians create are to advance their own cause and have little to do with the people’s best interest. We the people need to start holding politicians responsible for the information they provide to us as fact. We need to start demanding facts from credible sources and questioning everything politicians tell us. Politicians thrive on creating fear to promote their cause. The more people that live in fear the more likely they are to let politicians do what ever they say is necessary.

We don’t know if oil is going to run out, we don’t know if the earth is continually making it and we don’t even know what it is made from. To protect ourselves it is a good idea to find alternative plans for energy but not at the cost of scaring the population into thinking we’re going to run out and be left with out any energy. Politicians who claim they know oil is going to run out are lying to you, don’t listen, they are just trying to make themselves richer. Also, the more people believe that oil is going to run out the easier it is for gas companies to raise their price and claim an oil shortage. It’s all connected….