Monday, April 14, 2008

Where does oil come from?

Have you ever wondered where oil comes from? Most people have heard and accepted the theory that oil was created from fossilized plant and animal matter and that soon it will run out but did you know that many scientists don’t believe that to be the case. No scientist knows for sure how oil is made, where it comes from, or how much of it there is. Many politicians though seem to know for sure that it is going to run out in the next 8-9 years. How do they know this, do they have research they are not sharing with the rest of the world?

Although most of us know better, politicians should be people we can trust to keep our best interests their priority. We should trust that information they bring to us would be factual with evidence to back it up yet that rarely happens. Instead of bringing us the evidence to support their claims, politicians shove their fear creating stories down our throats until we believe them. If you hear something enough from people you should be able to trust you may start to forgive the fact that there are no facts and start to accept that their claim is the truth. Most issues that politicians create are to advance their own cause and have little to do with the people’s best interest. We the people need to start holding politicians responsible for the information they provide to us as fact. We need to start demanding facts from credible sources and questioning everything politicians tell us. Politicians thrive on creating fear to promote their cause. The more people that live in fear the more likely they are to let politicians do what ever they say is necessary.

We don’t know if oil is going to run out, we don’t know if the earth is continually making it and we don’t even know what it is made from. To protect ourselves it is a good idea to find alternative plans for energy but not at the cost of scaring the population into thinking we’re going to run out and be left with out any energy. Politicians who claim they know oil is going to run out are lying to you, don’t listen, they are just trying to make themselves richer. Also, the more people believe that oil is going to run out the easier it is for gas companies to raise their price and claim an oil shortage. It’s all connected….

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