Thursday, June 12, 2008

Boxer's Big Idea

My Friends, I know we are all feeling frustrated and upset about the gas prices we are seeing at the pump. As American's we expect that our political leaders will have our best intrests at heart but that is not the case with Senator Boxer. Today congress voted on a piece of legislation that would have increased the tax on gas by over $1.00 a gallon. At a time when most of us are having trouble being able to afford gas it is insane to me that our state senator would want us to pay even more. The piece of legislation was not passed and Boxer had harsh words for the members in congress that voted against it. She claims that this new tax force the big oil companies to invest in alternative fuel sources, which she apparently believes would suddenly make gas prices come down.

I think it's pretty safe to say that we all want to see alternative fuel sources developed and implemented into our society. We need to find reasonable renewable energy sources to replace oil in our economy. The problem is this will not happen over night. While we do need to find alternative energy we can not leave everyone high and dry until then. Boxer believes that if people are forced to pay more for gas fewer people will use gas and there fore prices will come down. This is backwards thinkning. Where are her true intrests?

The real solution is drilling. While many people do not want to see oil rigs popping up everywhere understand this, China drills oil off the coast of California, but we are not allowed to. China is sucking up our oil while we watch from the shoreline. In Alaska we are told we can not drill because we may impose on the Caribu's habitat. Boxer would have you believe that there is only enough oil in Alaska to last 6 months (she actually said that today) but the truth is there is enough oil to last over 100 years (do the research, you'll be suprised).

There are risks involved in drilling for oil but the benifits far out weigh the risk. Let's think about what things democrats in congress want. They want to get out of Iraq, and they want to stop beign dependant on foreign oil. If we drill for our own oil we would no longer be dependant on foreign oil. Boxer, and many other democrats in congress, believes that we are in Iraq to protect our oil intrests, therefore if this truely is a war fought over oil we could drill here and bring our men and women home like they've wanted all along. So, by drilling here in our own country we could drop foreign oil and end the war in Iraq, who wouldn't want that.

Boxer needs to stop pretending she's keeping with our best intrests. Her ideas are backwards and she's working against the good of our economy. If gas prices continue to rise so will the cost of everything else. If we dont' get a break soon our economy is going to collapse. Ms. Boxer has the right idea with alternative fuel sources for our future but she doesn't get that we need relief right now. Let her know that we need relief now, not new taxes. Check our her web site, there you'll find a link to send her an email (do it daily even!).

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