Monday, September 8, 2008

Obama, America's anti-Christ.

What more do we need as proof that Barrack Hussein Obama is Anti-American. Here’s just a short glimpse at the overwhelming evidence against him.

Obama will not say the pledge of allegiance and will not place his hand over his heart.
He will not wear an American flag on his lapel because he does not believe it shows patriotism.
He removed the American flag from his private jet and replaced it with his own name.
He is a member of a church that claims America got what it deserved on 9/11 and believes we should sing “God Damn America” instead of “God Bless America”
His mentor, Frank Marshal Davis, is a self described communist.
Obama’s good friend William Ayers attempted to blow up the Pentagon and New York police headquarters. He later said he never regretted the attempts and believes he didn’t do enough.
Obama will not acknowledge that we face Muslim Terrorists.
Obama has strong connections with radical Palestinians and feels we need to negotiate with Terrorist countries without threat of restrictions, embargos, or war.
His mother denied being American while in Indonesia.
Plans to dramatically downsize the military, pull out of Iraq and invade Pakistan.

What is Obama’s true goal in becoming president? It is seeming more and more likely he wants to weaken and harm this country. Lets not write off the fact that Obama’s father was a Muslim and Obama attended a muslin school. There is a doctrine in Islam, al-Taqiyya, that permits the faithful to conceal their true faith if it will help them reach their goals. Imagine what Bin-Laden would do if he could have concealed his identity and faith in an attempt to run for public office. Imagine the damage he could have done from the inside. What makes us so arrogant as to think that this could not happen. It seems to me that Obama is evidence that it is happening. Why would someone with such strong anti-American connections want to be the president unless it is to destroy and weaken the country. Why does he so desperately want to weaken this country. I hate to use the 9/11 card but has he forgotten, or does he has an ulterior motive. We need to be careful who we allow to become president. On one ticket we have a man who loves his country enough to surrender his life in service and on the other we have a man who’s own wife says she’s never been proud to be an American and who allies himself with a church that openly hates America.

1 comment:

  1. In defense of the Obama Mamma. It is usually wise to deny being American in Indonesia. They will kill you, literally.
