Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The 10 commandments of Driving.

This week the Vatican released a set of commandments for drivers. They want to help decrease the number of deaths caused by car accidents. Around the world 1.2 million people die in car accidents each year! That's a huge number that could easily be reduced if people started paying attention to the road. The vatican said the commandments are also needed because people use thier cars to show off and driving can reduce people to primitive behavior.
These are the commandements release from the vatican;

The "Drivers' Ten Commandments,"are:

1. You shall not kill.

2. The road shall be for you a means of communion between people and not of mortal harm.

3. Courtesy, uprightness and prudence will help you deal with unforeseen events.

4. Be charitable and help your neighbor in need, especially victims of accidents.

5. Cars shall not be for you an expression of power and domination, and an occasion of sin.

6. Charitably convince the young and not so young not to drive when they are not in a fitting condition to do so.

7. Support the families of accident victims.

8. Bring guilty motorists and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness.

9. On the road, protect the more vulnerable party.

10. Feel responsible toward others.

and let me add a few of my own here;

11. Get off your cell phone and drive.

12. A green light is not the start of a race, there is no need to speed off to the next red light. All your doing anyway by racing off the green light is costing your self more in gas and you'll also have to replace your brakes and tires more frequently.

13. Drive the freaking speed limit.

14. Do not tailgate.

15. Keep the hand signals to your self, try using your turn signal instead.

16. There is no excuse for drunk driving.

17. A stop sign means stop, and so does a red light.

18. Don't try and beat the train you idiot.

19. Don't stop traffic just becuase you want to see what that accident was all about. Enough rubber necking already.

20. You are not above the law. Don't fool yourself into thinking you only have to follow the law when the cops are around.

There are some real idiots on the road. They used to make me so frustrated, now I just laugh at them. I'm saving my gas because I don't feel the need to be the fastest off the green light, and I get to my destination just fine by driving the speed limit, and hey I don't have to be on a paraniod look out for cops because I don't give them a reason to pull me over. Why is it people feel they don't have to go the speed limit. What really makes me laugh is when I drive the speed limit in the fast lane (which isn't actually the fast lane - there's no such thing in Ca) and they get mad becuase they have to go around me... They actually think they are above the law and have some right to get mad because I'm not breaking the law too. I'll drive the speed limit in any lane I'd like thank you. Oh man and I got really mad at a lady this weekend.. I had to get out of the car pool lane so I could get off at my exit, So when the lane opened up I signaled, and there was a car just behind me that was going faster than I was so I was letting her pass but once she got next to me she slowed down and I couldn't get around her, and of course she's on her stupid cell phone not paying attention to anything except the person on the other line. So of course thanks to that idiot, I passed my exit and had to get off somewhere else and find my way back (thank God for my navigation system). People need to start paying attention. I mean you wouldn't cut someone off walking down a sidewalk, get right next to them and give them the bird becuase they weren't walking fast enough so why do that on the road. Have some respect people.

Anyways, the document that the vatican release is supposed to be talked about at some bishop gatherings and then hopefully at Mass too... Maybe they can help get the message out there that people need to start acting like people while on the road, not like animals fighting to make it to thier destination first.

And P.S. It really drives me crazy when you see a car zoom by weaving in and out of traffic and it has a "Jesus loves me" sticker on it. Oh the irony.

Read the full news story here

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